3. ‘Double Counted’ customers
Where you sign up a customer and you subsequently sign them up as a Partner, and the customer account is moved to the new Partner position, then you (the Recruiter) will earn exactly the same benefits, payments, rewards, bonuses (excluding Customer Bonuses) and incentives that you would have received under the Compensation Plan, as if they had remained as your own personal customer (both the customer and Partner must be gathered by the same recruiting Partner).
We do this by ‘double-counting’ them. So they will count towards the activity requirements, Personal Customer numbers, and towards any incentives (like holidays) for both the Recruiter and the new Partner (but obviously they will only be counted once within any Group Customer totals and the new Partner will not earn commission on their own customers account).
Income on that customer subject to activity requirements/getting to 6 personal customers.
An upline Partner recruiting a Partner who then becomes a customer within 30 days will earn full Customer Bonuses, Achiever Points, be deemed to have been active and gain a Group Customer. The new Partner will not earn Customer Bonus, but will earn Achiever Points, be deemed to have been active and gain a personal customer.
Although this may all look quite complicated, the principles are very simple: the harder you work, the more customers you gather, the better their quality, and the larger your team becomes, the higher the amount of income you will receive.
4. Customer Bonus - CB
You can earn a Customer Bonus for every new customer you gather. The more services the customer takes, the higher the amount of CB available. To generate CB, the customer must become active with at least one live Core Service. There is no limit to the number of customers you can introduce or the amount of CB you can earn – in fact, the more the better, as the more personal customers you have, the quicker your monthly income will grow.
Remember – an experienced Partner is available to accompany you on appointments to help you gain confidence in your ability to promote our services successfully. CB is paid at different rates based on whether you sign up homeowners or tenants and whether you’re supported by an experienced Partner on appointments or not (see page 16 for details). You do not earn CB on your own account.